返信先: WCEX SKU Selectのカスタマイズについて

フォーラム 拡張プラグイン WCEX SKU Selectのカスタマイズについて 返信先: WCEX SKU Selectのカスタマイズについて



* <meta content=”charset=UTF-8″>
* @package Welcart
* @subpackage Welcart walden theme

<?php if (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>

<?php usces_remove_filter(); ?>
<?php usces_the_item(); ?>
<?php usces_have_skus(); ?>

<script language=”javascript”>
function (){

<ul id=”itemgallery” class=”jcarousel-skin-pika”>

  • <?php usces_the_itemImage(0, 750, 480, $post); ?>
  • <?php $imageid = usces_get_itemSubImageNums(); ?>
    <?php foreach ( $imageid as $id ) : ?>

  • <?php usces_the_itemImage($id, 750, 480, $post); ?>
  • <?php endforeach; ?>

    <!– .alpha–>

    <?php if(usces_sku_num() === 1) : usces_have_skus(); ?>

    <h1 class=”item_page_title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>

    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php if( $item_custom = usces_get_item_custom( $post->ID, ‘list’, ‘return’ ) ) : ?>

    <?php echo $item_custom; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– end of exp –>

    <section class=”orderitem”>

    <?php if( usces_the_itemCprice(‘return’) > 0 ) : ?>
    <dt class=”field_name”><?php _e(‘List price’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_guid_tax(); ?></dt>
    <dd class=”field_cprice”><span class=”ss_cprice”><?php usces_the_itemCpriceCr(); ?></span></dd>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <dt class=”field_name”><?php _e(‘selling price’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_guid_tax(); ?></dt>
    <dd class=”field_price”><span class=”ss_cprice”><?php usces_the_itemPriceCr(); ?></span></dd>
    <dt class=”field_name”><?php _e(‘stock status’, ‘usces’); ?></dt>
    <dd><span class=”ss_stockstatus”><?php usces_the_itemZaiko(); ?></span></dd>

    <?php if( $item_custom = usces_get_item_custom( $post->ID, ‘list’, ‘return’ ) ) : ?>

    <?php echo $item_custom; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <form action=”<?php echo USCES_CART_URL; ?>” method=”post”>
    <?php //usces_the_itemGpExp(); ?>

    <?php wcex_sku_select_form(); ?>

    <?php if (usces_is_options()) : ?>
    <table class=’skusingle’>
    <?php while (usces_have_options()) : ?>
    <tr><th><?php usces_the_itemOptName(); ?></th><td><?php usces_the_itemOption(usces_getItemOptName(),”); ?></td></tr>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if( !usces_have_zaiko() ) : ?>

    <?php echo apply_filters(‘usces_filters_single_sku_zaiko_message’, __(‘Sold Out’, ‘usces’)); ?>

    <?php else: ?>

    <?php _e(‘Quantity’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_the_itemQuant(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuUnit(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuButton(__(‘Add to Shopping Cart’, ‘usces’), 0); ?>
    <?php usces_singleitem_error_message($post->ID, usces_the_itemSku(‘return’)); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– end of skuform –>
    <?php echo apply_filters(‘single_item_single_sku_after_field’, NULL); ?>
    <?php do_action(‘usces_action_single_item_inform’); ?>

    </section><!– end of action-section –>

    <?php elseif(usces_sku_num() > 1) : usces_have_skus(); ?>
    <?php //else: ?>
    <!–some SKU(複数のSKUを持っている場合:SKUごとに注文番号やオプション、価格、カートに入れるボタンを表示します)–>

    <h1 class=”item_page_title”><?php usces_the_itemName(); ?></h1>

    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php if( $item_custom = usces_get_item_custom( $post->ID, ‘list’, ‘return’ ) ) : ?>

    <?php echo $item_custom; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– end of exp –>

    <section class=”orderitem”>
    <form action=”<?php echo USCES_CART_URL; ?>” method=”post”>

    <?php wcex_sku_select_form(); //追記?>

    <?php do { ?>

    <h3><?php usces_the_itemSkuDisp(); ?><span>注文番号<?php usces_the_itemSku(); ?></span></h3>

    <?php if( usces_the_itemCprice(‘return’) > 0 ) : ?>
    <dt class=””><?php _e(‘List price’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_guid_tax(); ?></dt>
    <dd class=”field_cprice”><span class=”ss_cprice”><?php usces_the_itemCpriceCr(); ?></span></dd>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <dt class=””><?php _e(‘selling price’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_guid_tax(); ?></dt>
    <dd class=”field_price”><span class=”ss_price”><?php usces_the_itemPriceCr(); ?></span></dd>
    <dt class=””><?php _e(‘stock status’, ‘usces’); ?></dt>
    <dd class=””><span class=”ss_stockstatus”><?php usces_the_itemZaiko(); ?></span></dd>

    <?php if (usces_is_options()) : ?>
    <table class=’item_option’>
    <?php while (usces_have_options()) : ?>
    <th><?php usces_the_itemOptName(); ?></th>
    <td><?php usces_the_itemOption(usces_getItemOptName(),”); ?></td>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <span class=”ss_stockstatus”><?php echo apply_filters(‘usces_filters_single_sku_zaiko_message’, esc_html(usces_get_itemZaiko( ‘name’ ))); ?></span>
    <span class=”ss_stockstatus”><?php echo apply_filters(‘usces_filters_single_sku_zaiko_message’, __(‘Sold Out’, ‘usces’)); ?></span>
    <?php _e(‘Quantity’, ‘usces’); ?><?php usces_the_itemQuant(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuUnit(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuButton(__(‘Add to Shopping Cart’, ‘usces’), 0); ?>
    <?php _e(‘Quantity’, ‘usces’); ?> <?php usces_the_itemQuant(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuUnit(); ?><?php usces_the_itemSkuButton(__(‘Add to Shopping Cart’, ‘usces’), 0); ?>

    <?php //endif; ?>
    <p class=”error”><?php usces_singleitem_error_message($post->ID, usces_the_itemSku(‘return’)); ?></p>

    <!– skumultibox –>
    <?php } while (usces_have_skus()); ?>

    <!– end of skuform –>
    <?php echo apply_filters(‘single_item_multi_sku_after_field’, NULL); ?>
    <?php do_action(‘usces_action_single_item_inform’); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php usces_assistance_item( $post->ID, __(‘An article concerned’, ‘usces’) ); ?>

    <!– end of beta –>

    <!– end of itemspage –>

    <!– end of storycontent –>

    <?php else: ?>
    <p><?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– end of catbox –>

    <h3>You may also like</h3>

    <?php related_items_list(); ?>

    <!– end of relatedbox –>

    <!– end of content –>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    • この返信は7年、 6ヶ月前にwelcartが編集しました。